
Typography is one of the most important things in our apps they can express many things and can make our interfaces more intuitive, for this reason we provide some fonts and some classes.


By default Neptuno use Roboto font, we also have: pt-sans and arsenal like secondary fonts.

Roboto font

PT Sans font

Arsenal font

Ubuntu font

Bubblegum font

<p class="roboto">Roboto font</p>
<p class="pt-sans">PT Sans font</p>
<p class="arsenal">Arsenal font</p>
<p class="ubuntu">Ubuntu font</p>
<p class="bubblegum">Bubblegum font</p>

Text alignment

Use those classes to align text.

Add class="text-left" to align container text to left.

Hello, world!

Add class="text-center" to align container text to center.

Hello, world!

Add class="text-right" to align container text to right.

Hello, world!

Add class="text-justify" to justify the text of container.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Laborum minus illo dicta? Iste totam veritatis, dignissimos expedita at, quasi molestias aut laudantium tenetur magnam nesciunt repellendus ducimus ullam repudiandae architecto!

Text transform

lowercased text.


<p class="lowercase">lowercased text.</p> 								
<p class="uppercase">uppercased text.</>

Font style

Add class="italic" to make italic text.

Hello, world!

Add class="bold" to make bold text.

Hello, world!

Add class="bolder" to make bolder text.

Hello, world!

Text color

Add class="white-text" to change text color to white.

Hello, world!

Add class="black-text" to change text color to black.

Hello, world!


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